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NEU: Videogameszone - 85 / 100
Im Rennen "Blast from the Past" düst ihr mit einem McLaren F1 über die Pisten des virtuellen US-Bezirks Seacrest County. Und diese Karre hat weder Servolenkung noch Bremshilfen - gehört aber noch heute zu den schnellsten Autos der Welt. Der McLaren F1 wurde in den Neunzigern gebaut und darf sogar auf öffentlichen Straßen gefahren werden. Die Erfahrung, mit einem F1 über die Pisten zu düsen, ist eine unglaublich brutale und beeindruckende. Und Das beschreibt ziemlich gut, was euch in Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit erwartet: Brutal schnelle und kompromisslose Oldschool-Rennaction.
NEU: Cynamite - 8,5 / 10
Irgendwie erinnert mich Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit an das erste Assassin's Creed: Der Kern des Spiels ist hervorragend aber es mangelt etwas an Abwechslung und Langzeitmotivation. Vor allem die Anzahl der Zeitfahr-Events hätte Criterion verringern sollen. Rennen und vor allem Verfolgungen begeistern da schon deutlich mehr. Mich stört auch der verglichen mit GT 5 winzige Fuhrpark von rund 100 Karossen nicht, denn schon die ersten Fahrzeuge sind sehr sexy - auch wenn sie "nur" rund 300 PS haben. Alles in allem ein toller Action-Racer, der aber für Hot Pursuit 2 (was hoffentlich kommt) Verbesserungspotenzial bietet.
NEU: Joystiq - 5 / 5
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit may have been a late entrant into the race, but it both grabs the checkered flag for this year and may set a land speed record for this entire class of racer.
NEU: GameInformer - 8,75 / 10
To say that Criterion has successfully taken over the Need For Speed series and reinvigorated it with a modern take on the Hot Pursuit formula is an understatement. Fans of white-knuckle racing games, both online and off, will find immense satisfaction on the roads of Seacrest County.
CVG - 9,0
At its root Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is about an exotic sense of speed, glamour and action, which it accomplishes on a level we've come to expect from Criterion racers. It's fast, luxurious and recreates that big budget Hollywood chase sequence perfectly. If the single-player campaign feels a little bit too easy, the roads a little bit empty and the events a bit repetitive you'll still find yourself going back for more.
Nowgamer - 9,2
Yes, there is severe rubber-banding on show, meaning you will have an extremely close race with the AI until the last mile where your opposition will miraculously tail off. But the fact that you are competing more against your friends via the asynchronous multiplayer makes the lack of AI challenge moot. You will find yourself endlessly racing against your own times and the times of your friends, simply because it's astonishingly good fun to do so. This is one of the best racing games on PS3.
IGN - 9,0
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit is pure over-the-top driving entertainment. The cars and environments are gorgeous, the crashes are spectacular, and the new Autolog feature breathes new life into the time-honored tradition of video game competition among friends. The single-player races can become somewhat repetitive and there are some presentation issues, but overall, Hot Pursuit is a blast. If you're looking for a high-octane racer that grabs on tight but doesn't take itself too seriously, give this one a shot.
Eurogamer - 9/10
Otherwise, though, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is an unqualified triumph. It's stuffed with content but rarely for the sake of it, and knowing Criterion it will be handsomely supported for months to come, even though it's already the best pure arcade racing game since Burnout Paradise. For Need for Speed, it's a return to critical form to match, justify and potentially expand the series' enduring popularity.